Latest News
Winter Spirit Week is December 11-15, 2023
The Winter Performance will be Wednesday, December 13, 2023.
When: Thursday November 2 3:30-5:30 pm
What: Coraline
Where: Windmill Springs Cafeteria
Admission: $3 per person
Snacks and Drinks: $1
Proceeds will go towards Student Body Funds.
Students in TK-3 must come with an adult.
Students in 4-8 who do not come with an adult must bring a signed permission slip.
Please donate candy for our Fall Carnival! ALL CANDY MUST BE NUT-FREE! Bring your candy to the office by 10/27. Thank you!
Come and join us in celebrating the students and staff who showed amazing leadership skills this past month at our Leadership Rally. Parent coffee with the principal to follow in the cafeteria.