Windmill Springs CORAL
Windmill Springs CORAL (Communities Organizing Resources to Advance Learning) is a 1st-6th grade expanded learning program that focuses on improving academic achievement through several CORAL Program Components that include the following: Common Core aligned Literacy (Read Aloud, Writing, Vocabulary, Independent Reading), Homework Support (Daily Logs available for parents to review), Organized Enrichment Activities( Physical Activity, STEM, Clubs, Nutrition) and Nutritious Supper and Snack for CORAL Scholars.
Days and Times of Operation:
We have program every day school is in session. We begin right after school and are open until 6:00 PM.
How to Apply:
Students must be referred to the CORAL Program by the principal or his or her teacher. The school staff will return the referral form to the site manager. If space is available, the site manager will contact the parents/guardians to proceed with the enrollment process, which involves completing the registration form and submitting a one-time payment of $100.
Open Spots will be filled on a first come, first serve basis starting June 3. If you are interested in having your student in the CORAL Program for School Year 2019-2020 and do not receive a call by May 30, please stop by the CORAL office. Please note students with a referral by their teacher or principal have priority to any open spots.
Nutrition and Physical Activity Monthly Tips for May:
Nutrition: Eating Better On a Budget
Get the most for your food budget! There are many ways to save money on the foods that you eat. The three main steps are planning before you shop, purchasing the items at the best price, and preparing meals that stretch your food dollars.
Harvest of the Month: Berries
A ½ cup of berries – like blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries – is a good source* of vitamin C. This vitamin helps the body heal cuts and wounds and lower the risk of infection. A ½ cup of most berries is also a good source* of fiber, which helps you feel full. Berries are rich in phytochemicals that may help you stay healthy.
Physical Activity: Biking
Biking is a form of aerobic physical activity, which can help to increase your chances of living longer, decrease your risk of many serious health problems, stay or get to a healthy weight, and decrease your chances of becoming depressed. It also strengthens bones, muscles and joints, reduces arthritis and disability, improves mental health and mood, and prevents falls in older adults. Not only is biking a great way to get physical activity, it can also be used as a form of transportation and helps to reduce air pollution. It is also a lot of fun!
Contact Information:
Ulises Gamboa Mora
Windmill Springs CORAL Site Manager
Coral Office - F3